Harrogate learning facility awaiting on approval of £40,000 worth of funding for redevelopment work

Bewerley Park's historic buildings date back to 1939 and have been the base for countless adventures for many thousands of people across the generationsBewerley Park's historic buildings date back to 1939 and have been the base for countless adventures for many thousands of people across the generations
Bewerley Park's historic buildings date back to 1939 and have been the base for countless adventures for many thousands of people across the generations
The much-loved Bewerley Park outdoor residential learning facility is awaiting approval of funding to allow redevelopment work to go ahead.

On September 21, North Yorkshire County Council will consider approving a £400,000 investment to help refurbish the centre.

The current design and layout of the buildings at the site were found to not meet the current demands or functions of a modern outdoor education centre.

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Councillor Patrick Mulligan, Executive Member for Education and Skills said: “If the proposals are approved later this month, then the service has been given the opportunity to thrive, but it must be commercially viable and be more financially independent if it secures the investment needed to bring facilities up to standard.

“The Outdoor Learning Service is a fantastic resource, which we know are cherished by people in North Yorkshire.”

Following a council review into the Outdoor Learning Service earlier in the year, it concluded that it contributed to children and young people leading a “lifelong healthy lifestyles with improved social, emotional and mental health and resilience and reduced health inequalities.”

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Stanley Lumley, Councillor for Pateley Bridge and Nidderdale Moors said: “Bewerley Park is a much-loved facility.

“I strongly believe the Outdoor Learning Service is essential for young people’s physical and mental wellbeing, especially after the crisis in wellbeing among young people during lockdown.”

Erica Caswell, who worked at Bewerley Park for 31 years, including time as head of centre, said: "I am delighted that the county council have recognised the importance of this continued provision.

"I think the amount of concern expressed by the public, and users, has influenced the outcome. The response of the public shows how much this service is valued."